游戏王 次元之暗面

字幕组:The ARC-V Project

发布日期:2017/03/28 04:25


[NEOAVPxMGRT][BDrip][Yu-Gi-Oh! The_Dark_Side_of_Dimensions 游戏王:次元之暗面][中日简繁双语字幕][HEVC_1080P][附音乐合集、度盘地址] [8.9GB]



1) The videos(1080P) format is HEVC, please use lastest version of "Potplayer" or "MPC-HC" to playback.
2) The main movie includes original Japanese track(FLAC 2ch). We provide FLAC(6ch) audio track for you as well, you can plug-in to playback.
3) The Chinese subtitles are provided by NEOAVP.
4) Please use the MD5 to verify the files when you need.
5) We believe that most mobile devices can not watch this movie(format is HEVC), so please watch it on PC or HD playback devices.
6) If the font format of Chinese subtitles can not show rightly in your player, please install the font file we provided into your PC.

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions (2016)
Encoded by MGRT
Chinese subtitle provided by NEOAVP


1) 1080P视频为x265压制,如果你遇到解码问题,请尝试下载和使用最新版本的Potpalyer或者MPC-HC。
2) 正片mkv内封2声道flac日语音轨,另外我们还提供一条外挂6声道flac音轨供有需者使用。
3) 简繁中日双语字幕由NEOAVP字幕组制作。
4) 我们提供相关文件的md5值,有需者请自行校验。
5) 我们认为大部分移动设备可能不支持本片(HEVC编码)的播放,所以请在台式PC或高清播放设备上观看本片。
6) 如果播放器中的字体格式无法正常显示,请在PC中安装我们提供的字体包中的字体。

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions (2016)
Encoded by MGRT
Chinese subtitle provided by NEOAVP
